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Your extensive professional qualifications and practical work provide you with the appropriate professional background and experience to carry out your profession. Nevertheless, professional services often require taking subjective actions, judgments or opinions. Regardless of the legitimacy of the claims, you as a contractor or a company that carries out a professional activity is exposed to a much greater risk of lawsuits than other professions or companies.

Your clients’ expectations may be inconsistent with the professional standards of your profession. However, the combination of a disgruntled client, alleged professional negligence or omission of professional duty often results in a lawsuit resulting from your professional activity.

Our experts provide a wide range of customized professional liability insurance solutions (Professional Indemnity Insurance or Errors & Omissions Insurance) that adequately address your risks and your professional activity.

Some of the most exposed professions:

  • technological and information companies
  • lawyers
  • consultants
  • doctors
  • notaries
  • real estate appraisers and real estate agents
  • insurance brokers and agents
  • engineers and architects
  • accountants and auditors
  • tax advisors, etc.

Most requests for professional liability insurance arise from contractual requests received by technological or information companies. Information technology and technological solutions are constantly developing and play an increasingly important role in everyday life. Technological solutions are available to customers, who can use them as key elements for successful business. If your solutions or services cause an error or disruption in your customers’ business, you may be responsible for recovering financial losses. Usually, when problems arise in the business relationship between the client and the provider of the technological solution, attempts are made to exhaust all possibilities for eliminating errors or solution to the situation. If a solution is not possible, and the client’s business depends on the implementation of the project, claiming compensation for the damage caused may be unavoidable. Given that clients are increasingly dependent on technological solutions, compensation claims are high and can threaten the existence of IT or technology company.

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Advisio d.o.o.
Tehnološki park 22a
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 25 60 477

Advisio d.o.o.  |  2010-2024